Why You Should be Writing to More Than One Russian Woman
My recommendation is for you to write to as many women as you possibly can. The reason for this simple: How many Russian women have you met? Probably none. What do you know about them? Probably nothing.
How much are you going to learn from one woman? You are going to learn a lot about her particular peccadilloes, her preferences, her likes and dislikes, her behavior, et cetera. But what do you have to compare it against -- your experience with American women?
By widening your choice to the maximum amount you can handle from a time and energy standpoint, you will get to meet a wide cross section of women. It will help you to hone your own ideas about the kind of woman you want for a wife.
I guarantee you that when you start to meet a number of women, the cream will rise to the top. You will develop personal preferences for them. I can almost assure you that, after a while, you will know which one is the one.
You will be thinking only of her. You will want to spend all your time with her. When you think of her, your heart will leap. Hey, youre in love!
I will give two examples of why you want to meet more than one woman. The first example is from a man who corresponded with a woman for about six months. He went to meet her in her home country and scheduled two weeks to be with her.
After a few days, the woman was no longer interested in him and broke off their relationship. He now had the balance of two weeks in a city where he didnt know anyone. He had paid for the airline tickets and the hotel for two weeks so he was committed to being there.
Eventually, a day or two later, he broke out of his depression, and with the help of the local marriage agency, met a number of women. One of the women later became his wife.
Another Example:
The second example is from a man who corresponded with one woman for over a year. Finally, he got on an airplane and went to meet her. She had not made arrangements to take time off work, so he could only meet her in the evening and on weekends.
Ten days later he was on his way home. He made another trip a few months later with the same result. Finally, after two more trips, he realized that she wasnt that interested in him and gradually their relationship stalled.
If he had met other Russian women along the way, he may have had something to compare her reactions to him with and he may have figured out earlier that things werent working out as planned.
On the other hand, I know of a number of men who have been one woman men and their relationships have worked out fine.
My personal feeling is that the more women you meet in the beginning stages, the more experience you have to gauge your relationships with the women you meet, the more likely you are to meet the one, and the more likely you are to realize she is the one when you do meet her.
Were not talking about being unfaithful to someone you have established a formal relationship with. We are talking about the letter writing and casual dating stage at the beginning.
John Kunkle has been married to a Russian women for over five years. He has travelled the path from finding her, to traveling to Russia, to bring his wife to America, and adjusting to married life. He will show you step by step how to do this yourself.
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